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October 30, 2024
Dear Friend of Mike Livengood Ministries,
I am grateful for the response of many to our last newsletter. I do want to keep you up to date on those things we shared with you.
I did catch up the forms from the overdue years only to have them rejected by the IRS because we no longer had exempt status. I am keeping the forms on file, assuming that when we file for renewal they may be required.
This situation appeared to have impacted those donating through PayPal. That took us several days to work through, but hopefully it is now resolved.
The next time pressure event was our personal taxes. We had requested an extension when the CPA indicated they would no longer be able to do the work for the ministry nor for us personally. We were able to finish that.
At the same time we have continued to do the medical tests on my heart required before hernia surgery. The cardiologist scheduled some additional tests. I hope the last of those will happen Friday of this week.
Additionally it was recommended Linda see a dermatologist for some moles or mole like growths. They appear to be innocent, but they did require another unplanned medical trip.
Let me explain that. With the sale of my mother’s house Linda and I are completing the move of our “home” to Lake Placid Conference Center in Hartford City, Indiana which is 5 to 6 hours round trip from the location of our doctors. We really did not want to change doctors in the middle of the procedures. Cross Tabernacle has allowed us to stay in their quarters for guest speakers. This puts us 2 to 3 hours away round trip, which saves us three hours on every trip. The medical journey is still taking us 1 to 2 days per week.
Just as we felt we were coming out of the log jam we learned our oldest son is unexpectedly having open heart surgery the middle of November. We will be going to Arizona to be with him during this time.
As far as ministry goes we have resumed preaching over the past six weeks. This has included a mix of one to four services each weekend. The basic response from these times of ministry has been, “that was an on time Word from the Lord for this house.” Some have gotten right with the Lord but the ministry has been more prophetic than evangelistic. I suspect we have spoken “by the Spirit” into situations in churches we did not know existed. Some have felt the messages could not be more timely nationally. We have also come alongside pastors who are dealing with severe health issues.
Because of the uncertainty regarding timing for my surgery and the urgent medical issue my son is facing we have not attempted to book any ministry events for November-December. This will be the longest we have gone without being in a pulpit since we graduated from Bible College. Any help you can provide financially during this “slow down time” will be appreciated. Financial support for the ministry can be sent via check to Mike Livengood Ministries, PO Box 1455, Danville, IL 61834-1455 or by Pay pal at For Pay pal donors our email address is We are not in a financial crisis but any gifts you can give will be keep us out of one.
We plan on using the required down time after surgery to finish re-filing for tax exempt status and attempt to eliminate a mountain of paper work so we can start 2025 strong.
Yours for Revival
Michael Livengood
Falling down, crying, laughing, shaking, etc. are all referred to in the Bible. The accounts of God moving in unusual ways are historical. Michael describes the things that sometimes happen when there is a physical response to God's touch.
The Glory Factor will move you! "The Glory Factor increases our knowledge of the anointing, the presence of God, and His glory, giving us hope, and warning signs of those things that hinder what God wants to do." -Don Gifford, Superintendent, Indiana District Assemblies of God.
"Michael reveals to us...the thrilling importance of pursuing The Glory Factor." -Seth Fawcet, Senior Pastor, Hope Centre, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
"One of the most...relevant, powerful words from God for the body of Christ today." -Keith E. Taylor, Senior Pastor, Cross Tabernacle Church,
Terre Haute, Indiana
"It brought me to tears saying 'Yes, Lord, more of you.'" -Jeri Hill (widow of Steve Hill, evangelist at the Brownsville Revival), Pres., Together in the Harvest Ministries "As I read, I continually cried out for more of God in my own life." -Phil Schneider, Superintendent, Illinois District Council Assemblies of God
"My favorite part of the book was Ten Things Successful Revival Leaders Do Well." -Joe Joe Dawson, Director, Burn Texarkana House of Prayer/Revival Center
"If you desire more than a weekly church service, a good sermon, and a meek and mild Jesus, then you need to get this book. You will find out there is more!" -Randall Burton, Pastor, Northview Church, Columbus, IN, author of River Rising
"If your heart is open as you read this book, fresh fire will ignite on the altar of your heart, and the passion and hunger to see God move in these end times will increase." -Graham Renouf, Sr. Associate Pastor, Hope Centre, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
"My heart has been stirred with a greater desire to contend for the Glory of God." -Michelle Peterson, President of Refining Fire Ministry, Dallas, TX
"Revival is a Journey rather than An Event.” –Michael Livengood
Whether shooting the white-water rapids of the river of revival or reflecting in the calmer pools which occur after the rapids, Michael gives essentials necessary for understanding a God sent revival. --Carey Robertson, former Senior Associate Pastor the Brownsville Revival, Brownsville Assembly of God, Pensacola, Florida
“I would encourage every pastor to use this book to teach their congregation about revival! In fact, the third key to revival presented in this book will be preached by every pastor who reads this book.
--Phil Schneider, Illinois District Assemblies of God, District Superintendent
Nor does Michael shrink from discussing the things that have derailed revivals…
Adding to the absorbing interest of the stories he tells is his ability to probe beyond the what to the why to focus on God’s purpose in bringing revival to hungry hearts. --Ian Clark MA, Former Principal, Assemblies of God Bible College, New Zealand
Michael enlists the help of five Pastors whose churches have been experiencing ongoing Revival for not just one or two months. No, as a matter of fact, their Churches have been in “Continuous Revival” from six to twenty years!...
It is a Holy Ghost manuscript that prepares the Body of Christ (His Church) to be the recipients of a Holy Ghost Revival that is to be a Perpetual Revival till Christ comes to take his children home. --Prophet Fred Aguilar
Particularly helpful is a stress on God’s sovereignty in sending forth the full tide of the Spirit’s outpouring; balanced with our human responsibility to expectantly prepare by “hungering and thirsting” for Him in overflowing Presence…
Michael’s wide experience amply illustrates the delights, difficulties, and dangers of “An Outpouring.” --Roy N. McKenzie D. Min., Presbyterian minister, Gore, Southland, New Zealand. Co-author of Evangelical Revivals in New Zealand, (A survey history, with some basic principles of revival), 1999, 2016; and Choose the Lord, Here and Now! (19th century evangelism in New Zealand), 2016.
"I have known Michael for more than 30 years and in that time, having ministered alongside of Michael in Revival here in the US and Abroad, I have heard many of Michael’s sermons, stories and have read several of his books, yet I have never been more stirred than by this book, The Gospel Factor! I wish a book such as this would have been available when I first started out in Ministry as a Pastor and especially as an Evangelist!
In this book, Michael picks up where our Bible training in Hermeneutics, Homiletics, and Pedagogics left off as He delves into teaching the Importance of Revival Preaching. Michael is a Revivalist whose focus is on bringing in the Harvest. Concerning his approach to preaching, he states in chapter two, “From start to finish I am going after the harvest. I start the Altar call when I start preaching.
There is so much to glean from this book that to describe it all, would require me to write a book! In this book he speaks on the need of balance in our Worship and Preaching; Repentance Preaching followed up by Discipleship Preaching and the emphasis that must be in Revival Preaching with the main emphasis being SSP: Salvation, Sanctification and Presence along with keeping the “Main Thing, The Main Thing!” As he states, “Jesus is the Message, the Evangelist is the Messenger!”
There is in depth teaching on the four types of people at revivals and how preaching to those who have never heard the Gospel is very different than preaching to those who have the Bible memorized!
Bottom line! This book is a manual, and it is a must have for every Pastor, Teacher and especially every Evangelist aka Revivalist of which we all should be! There is so much more I can say about this book however the highlight of this book are the last ten chapters which are ten sermons that Michael has preached all over the World. What is so special about these sermons is that in each one you see the application of what he has just finished teaching in the previous chapters!"
- Fredrick Aguilar Fire On The Altar Ministries Zion, Illinois
"I want you to read this book. Seriously if you are one of those that genuine GOD chasers you need to read it. If you are not a God chaser who hungers desperately for another move of God that can transform a nation you also need to read this book. Michael is a friend, a very close one, and a co - worker in the Kingdom of God. He is the real deal. He is speaking out of a place of authority. A place of having walked the talk and has firsthand experience of what he is sharing. In this his finest work in the”Factor” series that clearly lays out the keys that will position God’s people to be able to catch the unforced rhythms of God’s Grace.
Well done my friend, my brother in arms. He who has an ear let him hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying. Love and Blessings" -Graham Renouf.
"Prophet, Pastor ,Husband, Father, Grand Father, and Friend: Michael, I have just finished reading your draft and I must say it is without a doubt, classic Michael Livengood. Your heart and clearly very anointed passion to weave practical mechanics with a strong emphasis on keeping the Word of God a bedrock steadfast foundation with pen point direction and balanced with life stories and illustrations under the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit is a total package that this book brings to the table. Your heart comes forth as one reads through each chapter, they set a very clear path to help the reader understand and be challenged to better their way to communicate the greatest story to be told. Thank you for sharing with us examples and illustrations that have been tested and refined in your ministry, many will be blessed, encouraged for your gift to the five-fold and the body of Christ. This book is about Kingdom and I must say at Heavens Gates souls will enter because yet another vein of the ministry God has given you. God Bless my friend."
Keith Taylor Senior Pastor Cross Tabernacle, Terre Haute, IN, member of the Executive leadership of the Indiana Assemblies of God, and is recognized as an apostolic leader by others.
"Just finished your book. Great job brother... this is a great addition to the other “Factor books.” The front end loaded with clearly understood insights and steps. The second part of the book providing a great selection of your sermons, which not only illustrate what you previously recommended, they also speak as stand alone messages. I can see preachers and evangelists from around the nations adding it to their library being underlined, highlighted and referenced."
Tony Collis, Pastor at Hope Centre, Levin, NZ. Former director of OAC a ministry raising up and training evangelists in New Zealand.
"Michael Livengood is a powerful and valued representative of the New Testament church. His book, The Gospel Factor - The Preaching of Revival, is a Master Class textbook on the art and science of preaching!
The church needs this book as we must return to strong Biblical preaching with an emphasis on the altar. Michael’s teaching on the importance of and difference in preaching between an Evangelist/Revivalist and a Pastor is something that every Pastor should read and understand."
- Phil Schneider, Superintendent of the Illinois Assemblies of God.
"In his latest book, Evangelist Michael Livengood explores the importance of preaching. Having been a hearer and a recipient of many well-timed sermons preached by Michael I highly value his insight into this all-important aspect of ministry and of revival. In this book, he does not disappoint. The Gospel Factor is filled with spiritual and practical insights that will encourage and strengthen each reader, whether or not the reader ever has the opportunity to preach the gospel in a formal manner. I encourage everyone to add this book to their library for both personal enrichment and as a ministry resource". -
Rodney Burton, Evangelist (Rodney Burton Ministries)
"The Gospel Factor is not hyperbole or platitudes. This book is a practical guide on how to evangelize the world through solid biblical preaching. The Gospel Factor should be a part of the curriculum of every serious student of revival. It is chalked full of powerful stories and antidotes for the reader. Bravo to The Gospel Factor!"
- Randall Burton, Pastor, Northview Church, Columbus, IN
"A preacher’s handbook, but not only that .... an instructional, inspirational, revelationary, practical, experiential and anointed masterpiece which comes out of Michael Livengood’s heart of integrity, no ‘smoke and mirrors’, but real and raw truth he and Linda have experienced.
The Gospel Factor - The Preaching of Revival gives clear understanding of the both/and of revival preaching and evangelism and tips as to how this can be a reality in revival. It clearly delineates the difference between ‘revivals’ and God sent revival; revival and evangelism.
Within these pages is expository evidence of power preaching for and in Revival, gleaned from 25+ years of experiencing this God phenonomen.
BAPTISM OF HOLY SPIRIT (training Altar workers)
SALVATION RESPONSE (Training Altar Workers)